Friday, January 27, 2012

florida debate

So if you missed last night's debate like I did, you can watch it here. First of all, not to be negative, because we all know I'm the princess of positivity, but Romney and Gingrich were terrible. I mean, really.

Tax returns.
Private sector.
Career Politician.
Fannie Mae. Freddie Mac.

We get it. We got it 35 debates ago when they started all this nonsense.

Finally, somebody called them out on their petty drama. Who? None other than the vest man himself! About 35-36 minutes into the debate, Santorum confronted the two middle school girls... I mean... the speaker and the governor.

"Can we set aside that Newt was a member of Congress and used the skills that he developed as a member of Congress to go out and advise companies, and that's not the worst thing in the world, and that Mitt Romney is a wealthy guy because he worked hard, and he's going out and working hard. And can you guys leave that alone and focus on the issues?"

Good job, Rick! He did so well last night! Nailed every question. Responded to every comment. Nobody has any accusations against him - why? Because his record is clean! Definitely the winner. No doubt.

Now that we've crowned him the winner, can I just please say how completely and utterly terrible Newt's "my wife would be the best first lady" response was? (About an hour and 15 minutes into the debate) Honestly. I mean, he's told us the reason he divorced his second wife and ushered Callista into the Gingrich's Wives Club.

Why? Because it was going to help him become president. - because she was first lady material? Please. He could be her father. Then his response was so... unflattering. He's completely unelectable on the divorce reason alone.  None of our presidents have ever been divorced (apart from Reagan, which really nobody ever knew about - and she left him.). And it's not that America's never run a divorced candidate. Because we have. And they haven't made it. So if a man who's been divorced once can't make it to the White House, how in the world would we think that Gingrich, currently on wife #3 (no telling what will happen if Callista doesn't win him the White House), could ever make it?!

That's beyond me.

Statistically, electing a divorced candidate isn't going to happen. Newt fans, you need to rally behind Santorum. Your vote's going to be wasted!

As long as we're on the topic of supporting Santorum, all you Paulites need to realize your candidate is never going to win. He didn't in 1988. He didn't in 2008. He won't in 2012. You're also wasting your vote.

Let's all rally behind and support Rick Santorum! He's the stark contrast and change we need to defeat Barack Hussein Obama!

1 comment:

  1. LOL on the "First Wives Club" and I know some don't care about Newt's women problems which is kind of amazing to me among the Bible-belt. IMO if his spouses can't even trust him, I'm not trusting him with a vote to the biggest job of all.
    Thanks for the updates on this
