Wednesday, February 22, 2012

double standards

We all know the media have double standards when it comes to conservatives and liberals/Republicans and Democrats. The double standards are everywhere. And they always seem to favor the liberals. Here's just a few examples.

Double standard #1 - Religion and Politics

Obama can talk about how his Christian faith leads him to believe that the rich should be taxed more and the poor should be taxed less (besides the fact that he's completely twisting what the passage means).
Watch the video here.
If that's what he believes, that's fine. If he wants to base his tax plan on the Bible, go ahead (again, that's not what that passage is referring to, in the least). I'm pretty sure there's nothing in the Constitution that says he can't.

The problem here - the double standard - is when a Republican candidate (currently Gingrich, Paul, Romney and Santorum) bases his political views upon the Bible (or the Book of Mormon), he gets shut down.

So it's perfectly fine for Obama to talk about how his Christian faith affects the implementation of his tax laws. The problem - God forbid a Republican presidential nominee speak a word about how the Bible/religious affiliation affects their political decisions.  We would never want to usher a man into the White House with religious convictions - but wait! We already have one! So are we leaving religion at the gate of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue or not?

Double standard #2 - The media's defending of the Left

We all know the media are liberal (besides FoxNews). We all know they're going to defend the Left - which is not what journalists are instructed to do. Journalists are instructed - from day one - to be objective. To not have an opinion. How do I know this? I have a degree in Journalism. For years I was told I couldn't have an opinion - that journalists only report the facts.

So let's look at a recent example. I'm sure most of you have seen it, but just to reiterate...

This is one of Santorum's biggest supporters (through a SuperPAC). The media have been alllll over, not really Friess, as much as they have been Santorum!
God forbid a supporter say something off color. Santorum can't keep tabs on every supporter and what they say. Nor should he have to. That's absurd to even expect he might be able to. He has hundreds and thousands of supporters.
So anyways. They liberal media begin to take shots at Santorum. Big shocker there.
They ask him how he could let something like this happen?

Santorum answers the question beautifully! You can watch the video here. His response is in the first 2 and 1/2 ish minutes.

In addition to answering the question as to why he should not be responsible for the true (but crude) remarks of Mr. Friess, he also points out the double standard - that the liberal media stand up for Obama!
They're disgusting.

Double Standard #3 - The race card

Recently Congressman Allen West (R) made a hugely controversial statement about how the Republicans favor the African American race more than the Democratic Party does in that the Republicans want to stop handouts. The Democratic Party, the party of handouts, will keep the poor enslaved to the government. West calls out the Democratic Party out in enabling the most insidious form of slavery in the world today.

So this was controversial, right?

Here's the double standard. Can you imagine if a White Republican said this?

Monday, February 13, 2012

cpac and the budget

Wow. I haven't posted in a long time.
My last few days have consisted of searching for jobs (since I'm one of Obama's 8.5% unemployed), writing a paper on why congressmen (no I'm not going to be pc) join caucuses and... watching CPAC!

For those of you who don't know what CPAC is, let me inform you.
CPAC is the Conservative Political Action Conference.

No, I was not able to fly to D.C, stay in a hotel for a weekend and attend one of the best events in the United States entire world. I just spent all my money going to South Carolina for two weeks to volunteer for this guy.
Only worthy candidate.
Question: Was it worth it volunteering and missing CPAC ;(?   Answer: YES!

Just ask this girl.

So I streamed CPAC online. The next best thing. Santorum did amazing! You can watch him here...

Rick Perry, Phyllis Schlafly, Momma Duggar, Herman Cain, Allen West, Tony Perkins, Mitch McConnell, Bobby Jindal, Laura Ingraham, Huckabee, Ann Coulter, Boehner, Paul Ryan, Bachmann, Marco Rubio, Palin, Romney, Gingrich... annnnnd Santorum!! (and some other ones I don't really care to hear)

I would have literally been as close to Heaven as you can get on earth.
Unfortunately, I didn't go.
But I did watch as much as I could. Especially Ann Coulter. My role model. Here are some of the highlights of her 20+ minute speech.

The budget.

$3.8 trillion? What does this mean?
Well, by the time he's out of office (if he stays in, God help us all), we will be at ehh... a mere 18, 19, 20 trillion (trillion with a t) dollars.
The Bush tax cuts for the wealthy will end, and they'll be taxed at a ridiculous rate.
Oh. And since we're not spending money on wars... that's referred to as savings now.
He's a genius. And by genius, I mean an absolute idiot when it comes to a budget (and many other things I don't have time for now).  My 11-year-old brother could do a better job.

It's not just Obama, though. It's all the liberals. Spending to get us into a better place, financially? That makes no sense. And taxing the rich because Obama's Christian faith in the Bible says that "To whom much is given much is required." That's not at all what that verse is referring to. And since when is Obama such a devout Christian? And if he were, wouldn't he be proud to call our nation a Christian one?

Back to spending and taxes: Jesus would also never be in favor of taxing the rich more. He was the one who told the parable of the servants who were given different amounts of money. One 5 talents, one 2, one 1. You can read the parable here.

Enough for one post.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

the three R's

I realize I haven't written in close to a week. Shouldn't be writing right now, actually, since I came to the library intending on writing a paper (which I will get to, eventually). BUT as I sit beside my sister, I get slightly disgusted, not by her, but at how the people at The University of Southern Mississippi have begun to ooze their liberal ideology into her...

She's a elementary education/special education/Spanish endorsement major (overachiever).
They should be teaching her the basic three R's... Reading, writing, 'rithmatic.
Instead - what three R's are they teaching everybody at USM? Yep.

You guessed it.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

I remember when I lived on campus, each dorm room had a white trash can and a blue recycling can.

My room had two different colored trash cans.

I was conserving energy! I only had to take the trash out half as often!

Don't get me wrong. It's really not that I don't think we should protect the earth. I do. I believe God gave us dominion over the animals and the earth and we are to protect it and take care of it all.

Here's where I have a problem.

When the tree huggers and the hippies can fight for a mother's right to abort the life inside of her, but when we put the paper in the white trash can instead of the blue one... God forbid. An innocent tree might be chopped down. The world would end.

It's not like we're running out of trees. Drive I-20 from Atlanta to Charleston. There's plenty of trees. And nothing else.

The tree scarcity argument is a myth. I always knew it was. So I finally researched it.

Plenty of Trees

Don't get me started on why we shouldn't drill to save a few animals (drill, baby drill!) or farmers in California losing their livelihood over a tiny fish.

Liberals are out of control.

Additionally - is it just me, or is this country in a lot of debt? Isn't unemployment pretty high? I know the president seems to think everything's just fine and dandy, but I don't really trust much of what he says.

So, if recycling costs more than it does good, if farmers lost their jobs because of a fish?, and if we could drill on our own land, wouldn't we be a little (or a lot) better off?

If it were not such a huge deal and actually more good than it actually does, I might recycle. Is it blown way out of proportion? Absolutely. Am I a little rebellious and throw non recyclables in the recycle bins sometimes? Maybe.

Sorry I'm not sorry.