Monday, February 13, 2012

cpac and the budget

Wow. I haven't posted in a long time.
My last few days have consisted of searching for jobs (since I'm one of Obama's 8.5% unemployed), writing a paper on why congressmen (no I'm not going to be pc) join caucuses and... watching CPAC!

For those of you who don't know what CPAC is, let me inform you.
CPAC is the Conservative Political Action Conference.

No, I was not able to fly to D.C, stay in a hotel for a weekend and attend one of the best events in the United States entire world. I just spent all my money going to South Carolina for two weeks to volunteer for this guy.
Only worthy candidate.
Question: Was it worth it volunteering and missing CPAC ;(?   Answer: YES!

Just ask this girl.

So I streamed CPAC online. The next best thing. Santorum did amazing! You can watch him here...

Rick Perry, Phyllis Schlafly, Momma Duggar, Herman Cain, Allen West, Tony Perkins, Mitch McConnell, Bobby Jindal, Laura Ingraham, Huckabee, Ann Coulter, Boehner, Paul Ryan, Bachmann, Marco Rubio, Palin, Romney, Gingrich... annnnnd Santorum!! (and some other ones I don't really care to hear)

I would have literally been as close to Heaven as you can get on earth.
Unfortunately, I didn't go.
But I did watch as much as I could. Especially Ann Coulter. My role model. Here are some of the highlights of her 20+ minute speech.

The budget.

$3.8 trillion? What does this mean?
Well, by the time he's out of office (if he stays in, God help us all), we will be at ehh... a mere 18, 19, 20 trillion (trillion with a t) dollars.
The Bush tax cuts for the wealthy will end, and they'll be taxed at a ridiculous rate.
Oh. And since we're not spending money on wars... that's referred to as savings now.
He's a genius. And by genius, I mean an absolute idiot when it comes to a budget (and many other things I don't have time for now).  My 11-year-old brother could do a better job.

It's not just Obama, though. It's all the liberals. Spending to get us into a better place, financially? That makes no sense. And taxing the rich because Obama's Christian faith in the Bible says that "To whom much is given much is required." That's not at all what that verse is referring to. And since when is Obama such a devout Christian? And if he were, wouldn't he be proud to call our nation a Christian one?

Back to spending and taxes: Jesus would also never be in favor of taxing the rich more. He was the one who told the parable of the servants who were given different amounts of money. One 5 talents, one 2, one 1. You can read the parable here.

Enough for one post.

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