Tuesday, January 17, 2012

phone call converts

Gingrich Converts -
Both basically said "I really like Gingrich because he's so smart, but I'm torn between him and Santorum." "Well, there's a difference between being smart and wise. You can know every word of the Constitution and the founding fathers' documents and have written 428 books, but marrying three different women isn't the wisest thing to do. Don't you think we need someone wise in the White House?"

Answer #1: "Oh. Well, that's a very good point. I guess you're right. You just changed my mind. I guess I'm not undecided anymore."

Answer #2: "Wow. We do need wisdom! I guess I'm voting for Santorum!"


Paul Convert -
She was voting for either Paul or Santorum (of course I'm going to try to convince her). I'm always very curious as to how people are undecided between these two. Paul is so extreme, crazy, ridiculous, dogmatic - even his fan(atics) have to agree to this - and Santorum is so level headed. So I asked her if she was more socially conservative or socially liberal. "Socially conservative," she replies.


"Ok, Mrs. Whatever Her Name Was, did you know Ron Paul is so adamant about the 10th amendment and state's rights that he's ok, if states decide they want to, with them can legalizing prostitution, gay marriage, abortion, marijuana and several other drugs?  However, Santorum wrote the bill which banned partial birth abortion and is for a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. So, if you're socially conservative and torn between the two candidates, I strongly suggest you look at Santorum."

"Well, I guess you just made my decision."


Romney Convert -
I just talked to a man who wanted his president to have the same religious beliefs as he did, which is why he was "voting for the man from Massachusetts."  I proceeded to ask him (if he didn't mind telling me) if he was Mormon, since that's what Romney was.
He wasn't a Mormon. I figured as much.
So I asked him if he was ok with a president that thought Jesus and Satan were brothers.
He was horrified. I figured as much.
He said my information was wrong. I figured as much.
I told him Romney actually said it himself in a debate when he was running for president in 2008.
He then proceeded to tell me how religious he was - raised in a Baptist church, deacon, Sunday school teacher.
Then went to a Presbyterian church.
Then a Pentacostal church.
Then a Lutheran church.
Then an Episcopalian church.
Then a Catholic church.

But never a Mormon.
Hmmm. Weird. Because he's going to vote for Romney - genius.
Since his last religious affiliation was Catholicism, I figured (since his main concern was a man who had his same religious beliefs) I would attempt a Santorum conversion.

So I did.
And I won.

My first goal at the phone bank was trying to make the most phone calls.
No. I'm trying to convert the most people.

SantorumTTT! Fear the vest!

1 comment:

  1. Personally I had never ever thought about Religion and the President in the past. I think that is a personal decision of everyone.I have always thought that person representing our country should have decsent morals though. That thinking has changed since President Obama and for some reason I do want to know. We don't need another President who has a radical kind of religion.
