Sunday, January 8, 2012

can't wait til tuesday

I really get more excited about good debates and election season than most people do about... well, pretty much anything. Kids count down to Christmas like I count down to Election Day. It's sad. I know.

Two debates in 12 hours? Heaven.

Meet the Press (one of my favorite shows), along with Facebook, hosted this morning's debate.  All six candidates did well.

Romney started off bumpy, arguing with Gingrich again about how he wasn't a career politician. We've all heard this argument. Multiple times. We know he worked in the private sector. We know he's not technically a career politician, as in, he didn't hold office for decades (yet, he has campaigned for years). We also know he would be a career politician had he not lost to Ted Kennedy years ago.

The Romney-Gingrich arguments didn't stop at the career politician squabble. Later in the debate, they both claimed that the other had false, extreme information about the other on their superpac attack ads.  David Gregory (or one of the other moderators) asked if they would consider taking down those ads. Both skirted the question. Politicians.

The media, especially during election season, along with candidates' opponents, love sound bites. Taking clips of a politician's speech or response and twisting it one of the most common strategies used in negative campaigning - and Romney gave them plenty of ammo this morning.

Romney said that politics was not his career. Ok. So what is? Is it is side job? Is he not taking it seriously? I would hope whoever is governor, much less president would take his job seriously. 
Besides informing the American population that politics wasn't his career, he also, a conservative by recent identification (previously he was a "progressive", not a "partisan Republican", and "moderate"), does not blame Obama for the country's recession and decline.  I'll admit, Obama got handed great deal of debt - but he's spending more than Bush ever thought about. This article is a little old, but it shows the stark difference between Bush and Obama - and this is from the most liberal news source out there!

Obama vs. Bush on Debt

Now, don't ask Obama what he thinks - he'll put his record up against almost any president -

Fourth Best President

Back to today's debate, though - If Romney doesn't blame Obama... who/what does he blame for the high unemployment rate, America's loss of the AAA rating, and the debt ceiling having to constantly be raised? That's going to come back to bite him.  However, along with his downfalls, Romney did have some positive moments as well.  He clearly stated his stance not discriminating against gays (but not favoring same sex marriage) and on not changing benefits to those who are currently on Medicare and/or Social Security but limiting the support for those future members who make higher amounts of money. He stated that he had found common ground with the 85% Democratic government while he was in Mass., so he knew it was possible, and he knew he could do it again in the White House.

While Romney was successful as a "non-politician" (I'm still not buying that one), Ron Paul, on the other hand, has not been - and a Facebook viewer brought the topic to the stage.  How, he/she asked, is Paul going to enact all of his radical policies? He's only gotten four bills to the floor, but only one has passed? Not a great record for a president.  Santorum said Paul had not been successful in accomplishing anything, and obviously working with other people wasn't his forte either. But does Paul doesn't take responsibility? No. He blames it on the government - that they're out of touch with the American people. Isn't he, as a representative, part of the government? God, love him.

This morning was definitely one of Perry's best debates. He nailed the programs he wants to cut (no "oops" this time), and conveyed a firm response on his stance on right-to-work legislation. Not necessarily anti-union, he said, but definitely pro job and ready to evaluate unions and determine which ones are actually job-creating and which ones are job-killing. What may have hurt Perry today? Calling Obama a socialist. The Democratic Party, in general, is for bigger government - Obama has just been more liberal than most.  Mind you, I don't like the man, but I don't think he's a socialist - just a crazy liberal.

Santorum moved from last night's runner up to today's winner.  He flawlessly answered the media's attempt to sabotage his stance on gay rights.  Treating them with respect, he says, was his answer.  Just because he doesn't agree with changing the law doesn't mean he can't respect them, but to keep the best for society, the nuclear family must stay the same.  Homosexuals are people and need to be respected, but as far as gay marriage goes, they should not receive the same rights.  The moderators asked Santorum what he would do if he had a gay son (mind you, they never asked any other candidate anything near this), and he answered it perfectly. Santorum said he would love his son just as much as he did the second before he was informed.

Other than Huntsman's always putting America first, I wasn't impressed (not that I ever am with him), and even Gingrich, my #2, keeps reliving the past. It's 2012 - you were speaker last century. Reagan is dead (makes me want to cry, but it's true). Tell us why you would be good now - because I know you will be!!

I guess we'll see Tuesday in New Hampshire who really won this weekend's debates, but I definitely think today's was Santorum.

Can't wait til Tuesday!!


  1. I have 2 favorite canidates. I like Mr Paul because he represents freedom, liberty and stands up for the Constitution of the U.S. I also like Mr Romney. It definately needs to be a canidate who can stand up to the current President and WIN in 2012!

  2. I think a win in South Carolina for Romney all but clinches the position of GOP nominee for the White House.

    Enjoy the campaign trail. It is an exciting place to be. By the way, thanks for following the blog.
